About Me

Looking for a more natural and simple way of life is not new or unusual, but finding it on the internet is. If you have found Seven Points Farm it means you were searching for something a little bit different… You might be looking for a way to disconnect from everyday consumerism, or for easy ideas to simplify your life, or to simply learn something new. Seven Points Farm wants to help you find YOUR version of a more natural and simple life.

Seven Points Farm is a dynamic entity that will encompass my ideas, efforts and energies. For now its address is primarily on the internet, but one day it will be an address you will be able to visit in person. My desire is to share things I have found to be important to not only my well-being, but to our earth and to those around me as well. I also want to share my journey towards fulfilling my dreams of homesteading, but with a slightly different twist than most… I believe the medicinal bounty of our earth includes cannabis and should be utilized.

I grew up in the city, but always knew I was a mountain girl at heart. I may have spent my school days seeing more pavement than dirt, but summers and vacations were spent in the country and mountains amongst the trees and grasses. At the age of 18 I took off for the mountains and found my true home. My green thumb was inherited from the generations of farmers in my family, my love of teaching comes from my mother, Gramma T, and my inspiration and courage to try something completely different comes from loved ones around me. I have been studying the medicinal uses of cannabis and other herbs for several years now, and thoroughly enjoy experimenting and perfecting my recipes for salves, creams and other products. Returning to a more simple and natural way of living will always be an ongoing labor of love for me. I use cannabis internally to treat depression, and use it internally and externally for pain from several major injuries.

I currently live and work from an RV on the road! My nomadic lifestyle is most-likely temporary, but it satisfies a long-held itch to see our country. Eventually my partner in life and I will return to a property where I can build the homestead of my dreams. For now though, I am enjoying the open road even more than I thought possible, building my business Simple Apothecary and practicing my life principles from Seven Points Farm.

6 thoughts on “About Me”

    1. Cannabis has definitely been used to treat psoriasis, particularly when used topically. I would highly recommend checking out our Healing Cannabis Salve! If you do make the salve, I would also suggest adding some essential oils to the final process that are beneficial for psoriasis, such as thyme, lavender and geranium. Directions for when to add essential oils are included in the post. Good luck and I hope you find some relief!


  1. I have grown my own plans. How much of the leaves around the buds should I leave to make the healing salve?

  2. hi, i’m charlie i have a couple of three questions for you. frist, you do not decarb. dosen’t that deactivate the thc a when you double boiler the material? if you want the salve more creamy. what is your process? when you say 2cups of material is that 16oz or just 2cups?

  3. hi, i’m charlie, i have a couple of three questions for you. first, you do not decarb. doesen’t that deactivate thc a when you double boiler the material? if you want the salve more creamy. what is your process? when you say 2 cups of material, is that 16oz or just 2 cups?

  4. Hello I need help I have a pint mason jar filled with rubbing alcohol the I use to clean my grinder trimming accessories it is so green to looks black what can I do with it can I use a crock pot and vaseline to make a salve for the outside of your body like what you do for thc oil will the alcohol cap away

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